As a first-time visitor to New York City, it may be overwhelming to plan your trip.  However you must make SOME plans.  Think of things you’ve always wanted to see and do in New York.  Is it a location featured in a favourite movie or TV show? In Lady’s case, she visited the building featured in the fantastic series “Only Murders in the Building”.  Her and Chase even wore their show-themed tie-dye hoodies for the photo op outside the building’s main gates. 

You must check out Times Square.  So many photo ops but Lady chose the famous red staircase that lights up at night and offers plenty of seating so you can rest and relax while people-watching.  And there is always tons going on in Times Square.  Music, performers, the lights! Even 10pm at night on a, when we were there, was action-packed and lit up as brightly as walking through there during the day.  And don’t be too shy to get a charcoal drawing of yourself done by one of the artists right in Times Square. 

The key is to figure out a few things you’d like to do and see and then divide them by neighbourhood.  Do all the uptown things on the same day, the downtown things the next so you aren’t wasting time and money on cabs or subway fares criss-crossing all over Manhattan.  However also NEVER, plan your schedule too firmly.  You are going to come across a musician playing beautiful music on a corner, in the park or even subway station and you’ll want to stop and enjoy it.  You are going to pass a restaurant that looks amazing and suddenly be starving, you’re going to turn a corner and come across a small street market or festival and want to visit. 

Chase and I took Lady to Central Park Tuesday morning to walk around and there are 6 baseball diamonds in one area on the west side of the park.  One of them, on the outskirts, is made of sand and we found an impromptu gathering of dog owners who had taken it over as a dog park for that morning.  The dogs ran and played and were having the greatest time.  A few hours later, we returned to the park and at another of the baseball diamonds, a game was in full swing.  Tuesday after lunch, two complete teams of adult men playing a spirited game of baseball.  People were sitting on a bench enjoying the game and other people strolling in the park, stopped to watch.  I am not a baseball fan but found myself stopping to sit on a nearby bench (after purchasing a frozen treat from a vendor), REALLY enjoying the game with my children.   Tuesday at 1pm, sitting in a park, watching a game where we didn’t know any of the players, we didn’t know the score; but the beauty of watching these people truly enjoy the game they were playing, sitting near other strangers, all ENJOYING the game.  Where else does that happen? 

The city never sleeps and I’m thankful for that because it is magnificent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  I LOVE NY!

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